Monday, January 12, 2009

commercial filmed from within the vagina...

Ahhhh.... isn't it bad enough we have to see all those things in tv commercials allready like tampons and whole complete menstruating kits... BUT IT"S GOTTEN WORSE. Typical for the Dutch to come up with a new inspirating cunt commercial. Not from the outside no we are gonna show the world via the inside of a cunt. Yes people i am using the word cunt deal with it or leave now.

With the new commercial Lactacyd wants to open the mind of people watching. They want us to see what things a vagina would have to deal with during a normal day. So you see a bike sadel coming closer you see a vagina getting ready to have sex, you will see sweat starting to form inside the pussy area. Hope you are not eating cause you will also see a tampon coming closer ahhhhhh. If they had real balls they would also show a huge dildo coming it's way but they don't have balls cause as you could imagine it's all thought up by a girl.

"I wanted to make girls aware of what is going on around your vagina during the day," sais Elisa Beenakker.

I allready thought up a new commercial all on my own. It will be shown in a couple of months. My goal is to raise awereness of the perspective of the penis. jeezzz gimme a break...

1 comment:

  1. Little Boy says, Nope because I'm going to turn gay when I get older and get better looking guys to have sex with me. That ugly pussy of yours will ever get guys to fuck it like the guys I'm going to get to fuck me. Bitch!
